Cartoon Wisdom

I am a great fan of Samurai X. Who says you can't learn from cartoons? I have learned a great deal of wisdom from this show that i want to share it all with you.

Here are just some of my favorite quotes:

In this world of memories, there's no need for strangers.-Kenshin to Kaoru

The dead don't desire revenge, but the happiness of the livng. To dirty your small hands would bring joy to no one. -Kenshin to Eiji

Nothing is stronger than the will to live. -Kenshin to Aoshi

The true answer comes not by fighting but by living your life, as you atone for your sins.-Kenshin to Soujirou

Where's the happiness in death? -Kenshin to Hoji

Surpassing your limits is what leads to excellence. Your limits aren't something you decide yourself. -Kenshin

I thought about a lot of things in the living hell you made for me. About life, about death . . . About sin and retribution. And I finally arrived here, at the one truth I can't throw away. I want to protect the people I see here . . . I want to help those in pain, or who are suffering . . . And there was one smile I wanted to see. But to do that, I had to defeat my enemies . . . I had to take lives . . . not realizing that those I killed were fighting for the same reason. It was my fault, so I'll accept my punishment. But I'll live on, bearing my sins and the sins of those I've killed. -Kenshin to Enishi

Painful life...or a peaceful death?-Megumi

Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time.-Saitou to Kenshin

A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic dead or alive.-Saitou to Usui

A human being uses his intellect to know when it's time to quit. Animals rely on their instincts. But you blame your failures on the victors, never realizing that your time was up. -Saitou to Mumyouni

Himura Battousai's weakness is...The kindness that doesn't match with a killer. -Tomoe

AND my most favorite...

I forged swords that killed for countless years. For the world of my grandson, a child who bears no one any ill-will. -Written beneath Kenshin's sword handle


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