Watch: Breaking Dawn

I am such a fan of the Twilight series.

For a young adult fiction, Twilight deals with a lot of serious conflicts.  From going against the norms, to falling to in love, to conquering your fears, to changing loyalties.

Its just so sad that these do not translate well in the movies. Breaking Dawn in particular falls short of all expectations. It failed to deliver on so many levels. And no, I was not just refering to the wedding and the honeymoon scenes (although for a lot, that was the highlight of the movie).  I was more looking forward into the birthing scene and how they would play the imprinting scene with Jacob and the baby.

Overall impression? "Ho hummmm" and a big yawn.  I was unimpressed, uninspired and uninterested.
Most of the scenes were made to play out so long just so they can end with Bella's transition to being a vampire.  Bad decision...

Dissapointing that the Twilight franchise failed to inject the kind of mysticism and wonderment you find in HP films.

I'm still gonna watch Part 2 though.


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