Spinsterhood of Travelling Pants

I guess it’s strange  when a country feels so concerned about the “spinsterhood” of its female population.

And even more creepy because in UAE, you are considered a spinster by the time you reach the age of 30. 
Read the original article here.

First, let me define the term for everyone’s understanding:

As defined by Wikipedia:
A spinster or old maid, is an older, childless woman who has never been married. For a woman to be identified as a spinster, age is critical. A "spinster" is not simply a "single" woman, but a woman who has not formed a human pair bond by the time she is approaching or has reached menopause and the end of her reproductive lifespan.
What a sad and cruel definition.

Especially at a time where a lot of options are open for us -  women can have a career, be independent or choose not have children.

Yet, we describe them as spinster for taking advantage of these choices.

And the funny thing here is that the males are the ones who are worried and not the women themselves.

UAE is considered as one of the most advanced country when it comes to women’s rights. They are given legal rights in terms of ownership and are a vital part of their workforce.

But for a government who is willing educate these women, allow them to vote and even join the military, how could this same government deny these women the right to choose?

Deciding to defer marriage is not a crime.  Some can even argue that it is the better choice.

I just can’t believe that with the unresolved issues of gender discrimination, domestic violence, child brides and rape, matters such as this are considered a national concern.

I guess as long as modern societies still possess an ancient understanding of women’s role and abilities and men in power believe that women are better off married young, at home and taking care of children, then we will continue to be stuck in a world where spinsterhood is the least of everyone’s concern.

Especially if you are young, successful and happy to be 30.


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