And I Pray for Paris

I've never been to Paris.

And unlike every romantic person I know, I never dreamt of going there.

But I like the place just fine. It is the city of love, after all.

So I can somehow understand why terrorists decided to terrorize the city.

In a matter of hours, 129 people were murdered and 352 were injured, some critically. 

They want to make a statement.

They want to be noticed.

They want to be feared.

And what better way to do that than to shatter people's idealistic dreams.To transform Paris and its romantic surroundings into a site of chaos and real life nightmares.  They wanted to strike fear in the hearts of those who always idealized the idea of Paris as the center of love, lights, arts, fashion...

Only they miscalculated.

They did not realize that destroying this symbol of love and romance only makes us love it more, want it more, protect it more.

Now I yearn for Paris, and all it stands for. For me it has become a symbol of strength, unity, hope.

And I dream of having a place like Paris in my life.


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