December Shoulds...

I'd like to start my December post by saying "Thank You" to all the people who has shared my life this 2015.

I hope you all know who you are (and that includes you, PM Justin Trudeau).

These holiday season,  I urge everyone to:

1.  Give the gift of forgiveness.  Hate will only ruin your happiness and peace of mind.

2.  Get organized.  Use those vacation days to try to fix and manage your possessions. 

3.  Based on above - Donate, donate, donate.  Your "has been's" might be another person's treasure.

4.  Reconnect with loved ones.  Call, text, email, write...whatever suits you.  Just make sure that you make an effort to reach out.

5.  Share.  From simple things such as your time, your stories, your richness (financial and everything else).  Do not forget that this is the season for giving.

Lastly, believe...

... in the magic of Christmas,
... in love,
... in yourself,
.... and in the goodness of human hearts.

Merry Christmas everyone!


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