A Society of Love not Hate

Why do we have so much hatred?

It seems that people can do no wrong without being hated and bullied for it.

It's like we all lost our sense of humor.  Everything is taken personally.  And we are constantly on the lookout for something or someone to rage about.

It is said that we hate those we do not understand and those who do not understand us.

But though we are inclined to hate those who are different from us, we are also wired to love.

Society is also slowly teaching us about tolerance, equality and acceptance.  Laws and policies on equal rights and anti discrimination are emerging and continually evolving  assisted by those who support these ideals.

I read a story about a first date conversation between a guy and a girl.  The guy, seemingly trying to impress the girl started with:

Guy:  I support same sex marriage.
Girl:  Are you gay?
Guy: (chuckles) My mom supported the Civil Rights Movement. Do I look black to you?’

This only shows that we can support and even love each other's differences.

It is time to engage in respectable debates and conversations that foster mutual respect.  Let us talk about more about these topics to heighten everyone's knowledge and understanding.

Let us start by teaching people not to hate...

Then make them learn how to love.


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