When Christmas Feels Like a Dentist Appointment

As of writing this post, I  am happy to announce that I have just survived another family reunion.  To those of you who know me, you must know that I can claim to be the “perpetually single” girl. 

So family reunions for me are a time of dread because of the never ending “relationship questions” and “single girl jokes”.   

But don’t get me wrong. I love my family.  I just hate them sometimes.

And I marvel at how they don’t get tired of it – the asking, the teasing and the well intentioned pairing up to a nice guy they know. In fact, I think they only get better and better.

I seem to be gifted with a number of well-meaning relatives who seem to think that my lovelife (or lack thereof) is affecting their universe and creating havoc on their well-balanced life.   I only hope that they don’t lose some sleep over this!

But at least they are not as crazy as this story I very recently read:

I’m 27, I’m an RN and one of my patients who was blind once said “come here. Let me feel your face to see what’s wrong with it.”
I replied “say what? There’s nothing wrong with my face.”
He said “well, you’re smart, you’re funny, you have a good job; I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with you to make you an old maid!”
I was only 22 at the time! I can only imagine what he’d say now.

As I am not so sure how long I’ll stay single, I’ll  just have to make sure that I get better at surviving many more moments like this.  That... or find myself a hunky holidate (see related article here ).


  1. Some family/relative is like that. Sometimes, they even tease you a lot yet deep inside them they really don’t want the person for you or they really don’t want you to take the thing seriously.

    Maybe they really just worry about you having no lovelife. Maybe you never had one? Or it was long ago when you had.

    1. Hey Teri,

      Thanks for your comment. I guess when you reach a certain age, people get worried about your relationship status esp if its non existent. But they really should stop worrying about it esp if I'm not. :-)

      Btw, happy holidays!


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